Angelina Jolie, Nobel Prize & Malala

A search for the real hero

Pakistan's media is in deep trouble. Ads from US aids mean complicity on issue that might undermine the national interest - hitherto undefined in this country. The debate is why Malala shall not be our Noble Laureate!!! After all she meets  the prerequisites for the slot - especially from a Pakistanis view point. Only Public servants are Pakistanis - the rest are Rohingyas. Born at the wrong place at the wrong time. Even the Aang San Su ki, the lastest champion of democracy would not approve them of their rights to be born in Mayanmar. Ms Ang San Su Ki is busy these days writing history for the US. After all the President is expected to get to the bussiness without wasting the time. The president means the President of the USA. The rest are political agents as know commonly in the Pakistan's tribal region.

So shall we not support Malala's father to earn her daughter the most coveted honour of our times. She (the young innocent daughter from Pakistan) has the military on her side, the media is playing to the tune of the time and of course her quest for knowledge has got the endorsement form the US.

But what about the innocent people of Pakistan? Why cann't they be noble? They have after all endured General Zia, his ruthless Jihad (it had endorsement form the US as we were told). General Hamid Gul is proud of it. We the people of Pakistan had also stood by the military under all trying circumstances, the fall for Dhaka. In the making of a Hero in AQ Khan and in his role change as well. So Dear Ms Agelina Jolie why u cannot nominate innocent people of Pakistan who had been a causality in American War on terror. Who do not have a father with the art of dealing US aids. All they knew is raise sustain in the Consummate environs of the US imposed dictators.

All those who were not terrorist and were sent to Guantanamo by mistake and spent their brimming youth as collateral damage.

I think I may go mad ... 

so much misery. Lets celebrate a historic moment and share the American Presidents great leap to Mayanmar. Hail...Rohingyas!

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